
Dienstag, 31. Januar 2017
Do. 2. Februar 2016, 21.00 Uhr: Duo "Bayern griecht" @flow circus session
Duo "Bayern griecht"
Odysseas Manidakis (Bouzouki, Gesang, Arrangements) und Aron Hollinger (Gitarre).
What would happen if a Greek bouzouki player studyding composition and a bavarian gypsy guitarist who is studying jazz, decided to play some fun greek folk tunes? The influences: plently and diverse. The restrictions: none. The goal: to make joyfull and liberating music for you and with you, so feel free to move, clap, shout, dance and sing along. And though the songs are sung in Greek, it sometimes feels to us that the music overcomes the lanAguage barrier. Hope to you too!
We are happy to play some tunes together with:
- Christopher Haritzer (Klarinette, Bassklarinette)
- Gregor Fussenegger (Geige)
- Florian Giesa (Cello)
- Thatiana Gomes (Kontrabass)
- Gizem Kus (Gesang)
Oiso packts eire Nosnflöt'n und Oarschgeig'n ei und kemmts auf schnellstem wege vorbei. Lasset uns gemeinsam oan aufmusizieren und uns musikalisch multiplizieren. Kemmt's und schwingts as Tanzbein mit uns. Denn zusammen können wir Grenzen wegdancen!
payasyouwish // jam session afterwards // so bring your instruments ( also cymbals )
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